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F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

Black  has a bright, voluptuous soprano voice that somehow captures a sense of innocence mixed with sophistication. She has complete control of a dynamic range, both in vocals and in emotion. Rodolpho is smitten from the moment she appears onstage, and from the moment Black opens her mouth, we were smitten too. She is a character that is pure. Black captures this purity, her willingness to give of herself, and her simple pleasures while simultaneously showing us her range of emotion, layers of love, and the sheer power of her performance. She is a wonderful balance to Rodolpho, the two having great chemistry.


-Front Row Reviewers Utah


U P C O M I N G  E V E N T S​

​​Papagena, The Magic Flute

Opera Australia

November 9 - 24, 2024

Noëmi, Cendrillion

Opera Australia

January 2 - February 8, 2025

Paquette (cover), Candide

Opera Australia

February 20 - March 14, 2025

Micaëla, Carmen

Opera Australia

July 10 - August 4, 2025

September 3 - 9, 2025

Contessa (cover), Le Nozze di Figaro

Opera Australia

July 31 - August 27, 2025

Mimì (cover), La Bohème

Opera Australia

August 23 - September 20, 2025

Micaëla, Carmen

Opera Australia

November 15 - November 25, 2025

© 2024 jennifer Black all rights reserved.

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